Suspect Transport

“These 100 word challenges are the toughest way to write. I found myself almost two hundred words too much again. Alas I removed the unnecessary and I hope you like what’s left!”

I wrote this story in answer to the following prompts:
Friday Fictioneers – Write a 100-word story based on the Photo Prompt image above by © Ted Strutz

Suspect Transport

‘Yes!’ Nobody’d find me in the roof of this abandoned building.

Well, I made it through the night. Then —

“Alright, boys! do it!” yelled a voice.

Chainsaws cut the building in half; missing my feet by inches. I rolled into a tight corner and watched as the canvas was nailed in place. I was trapped.

Through a gap, I saw my prison loaded onto the white lorry.

‘Where the hell am I going?’ I wondered.

“Windsor Ontario, here we come!” said the driver climbing in and driving away.

“Woohoo! Free ride to Canada. I was escaping America with my loot.”

The End

I need your votes my friends!

My story ‘Oracle Train’ is doing battle for a place in an anthology. Please come and vote for and support me at Purple Wall – Vote Now! and thank you for the support!

Thanks for reading my friends.

There’s more in the Poetry CornerPoetry NookShort StoriesShort Stories 2, and, Short Stories 3 tabs.

Have a great day!

54 thoughts on “Suspect Transport

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  1. Doing FF has taught me a lot about what is necessary and what isn’t. Adverbs? Unnecessary if you use a strong verb. Redundant clauses and phrases? Out they go. Discipline creates clean, effective writing, and your story could hardly be better than now, when it’s pared down to the bare bones 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree. I often come up with around 300 words to start with and then need to cut, cut, cut. I enjoyed where you took the story. That was hilarious, and a clever way to get away with his loot. Free ride!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I just went back and found out what was happening. My firewall wasn’t letting me log in, so I made it a “safe site” which allowed me to log in. Once I logged in I could see the “vote” button — which I did 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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