A Life in Shadows

Good morning my friends. Sadje, gave us this wonderful image of people walking with long shadows by Tom Barrett Unsplash for her What Do You See prompt today.
I also used the following prompt
Ragtag Daily Prompt – Nocturnal

This one reminds me of darker times, of the way society forces us to hide who we are and what we are suffering through the fear of ridicule.

You see me walking down the street
Just a regular normal affair
See the truth in the shadow at my feet
It hides darkness from pain and despair

My outside is a polished façade
A cover to hide woes
As I trudge through a life so hard
You can see it in the shadow at my toes

Remember a person may look alright
And yet broken inside
They may not survive another night
With the darkness they hide

We each live a shadowy nocturnal life
The real us can never be revealed
Called weak for needing help with strife
And so we live an existence concealed

And so the shadow is the real me
An anguished prison beneath my skin
All the regret and anger must go fere
Only then can my happy life begin

Thanks for reading my friends.

There’s more in the Poetry CornerPoetry Nook, and the Short Story Collection

Have a great day!

37 thoughts on “A Life in Shadows

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  1. Oh this is such a heartfelt and poignant poem Mason. How right you are that society forces us to hide our true selves because they ridicule our perceived weakness. Thanks for joining in

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful poem.

    ‘ We each live a shadowy nocturnal life
    The real us can never be revealed
    Called weak for needing help with strife
    And so we live an existence concealed…’

    So true.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. It’s very hard sometimes to be human. There was a moment in my life when I understood on a deep and visceral level that the judgmentalness of my fellow humans stems from fear on a primal level. It didn’t make me like my fellow humans more (I’m very skeptical) but it allowed for more compassion. “You poor, ignorant, scared baboon. You think my major depressive crisis is CONTAGIOUS? You don’t ‘catch’ suicide, you benighted freak, but I completely understand your animal wish to survive. I have it too. That’s why I’m HERE!”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree, fear and the lack of understanding make people ether judge harshly or ridicule those who are suffering. Its sad that humans just can’t be nice and helpful isn’t it.

      Thanks for reading Martha,

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Tha is for reading both my pieces today, Lois. I so appreciate it.

      This lat few months I’ve come to feeling honoured by our wonderful WordPress community. The way I have quite a few readers commenting that they loved the story and want more, has been. Amazing. So for once this poem was to show that a shadow could be the pain and suffering inside, and my about me. I’m in a happy place at the moment.
      Thank you so much and hugs to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was running around all morning so am very late today in reading, but your posts are always fascinating–both stories and poems. WP is a pretty wonderful place–I think so, too. I’m glad you are in a good place now.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have a similar morning lined up tomorrow so I know what those are like.
        Thank you for that, I try to come up with something interesting for each post.
        WP is the most wonderful community, no other place, not even big social medias have such a warm and friendly place to create our stories and poetry. This is the only one where you get great feedback and encouragement to carry on knowing people genuinely enjoy what you do. Its our digital home.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, I appreciate you saying this. I don’t really know poetry rules, I just go with what seems right.

      It’s a strength to admit vulnerability for then you can find help and heal.

      Thanks again, Maria.

      Liked by 1 person

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