A Stormy Date

“If I ever have a first date, I imagine something would go horribly wrong. At least in the UK I don’t have to deal with hurricanes!”

I wrote this poetic-story in answer to the following prompts:
Friday Fictioneers – Write a 100-word story based on the Photo Prompt image above by © Dale Rogerson

A Stormy Date

There by the sea
The couple shared some tea
with a cuddle and kiss
The storm couldn’t miss

Rumbling from nowhere
It reaped destruction and despair
Through wind and tidal wave
The café went to its grave

Structures, trees shattered and fell
Blue chairs, deck flooded to hell
When the storm left, the sun arrived
Had the sweet couple survived

Embraced beneath the café wall
They’d resisted the hurricanes maul
Hand in hand they climbed free
gasping at the storms devasting spree

Now, they shared a loving kiss
having survived Zeus’s abyss
Unlike stormy weather
Their love would last forever

Thanks for reading my friends.

There’s more in the Poetry CornerPoetry NookShort Stories. and Short Stories 2 and Short Stories 3 tabs.

Have a great day!

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